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My Favourite Planet > English > Europe > United Kingdom > England > Avebury
Avebury Links and addresses for Avebury page 6
A row of megaliths of Avebury Henge, Wiltshire at My Favourite Planet

A row of megaliths in the southwest sector of the outer circle of Avebury Henge.
Links on this page:

History and culture

Enjoying and protecting
the landscape and environment
Links, addresses and telephone numbers for:

trains and buses, walking and cycling
page 4: how to get to Avebury

disabled access, eating, drinking and accommodation
page 5: practical information about Avebury
History and culture  "Avebury a present from the past", Pete Roberts' excellent website dedicated to Avebury is comprehensive, well written and designed, with plenty of detailed information, photos, maps and documents. By far the most informative and interesting website about Avebury.

The National Trust own and manage most of the ancient sites around Avebury, as well as the Alexander Keiller Museum with its shop and restaurant. They also provide information about accommodation in the area.

English Heritage in association with Active Hotels provide accommodation information and online booking. Prices start from £47 per room per night.
In English, Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
English Heritage benefits from the bookings.

The UNESCO World Heritage Sites website has limited information about Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites in English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

Wiltshire County Council website: Avebury Concise History The website also has local information, maps and photos. is a calendar of pagan events in Avebury. Don't be scared, these are usually jolly events. We witnessed a pagan wedding in Avebury Henge which was very festive and joyous. The Summer Solstice is the big event of the year when believers and non-believers of every hue descend on the village.

Day Out: Avebury and Marlborough a low-fi video of a 1983 BBC documentary about Avebury and Marlborough. Entertaining and very British. Andy Burnham's enormous website about megalithic monuments worldwide.

Wikipedia information about Avebury - and just about everything else you can think of - continues to expand and improve. If there was a Nobel Prize for websites the inventors of wikipedia would win hands down.
Enjoying and protecting
the landscape and environment
The National Cycle Network displays local cycling routes. details somes of the human activities and natural features of the North Wessex Downs on which Avebury stands.

The Downs is an Area Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). has information about AONBs in the United Kingdom.

National Trails and The Friends of the Ridgeway
The 137 km long (85 miles) Ridgeway National Trail walking and cycling route is part of a much longer ancient pathway which is thought to have run from Dorset in the west to Norfolk in the east. The surviving section starts near the Sanctuary on Overton Hill near Avebury and ends at Ivinghoe Beacon in Buckinghamshire among the Chiltern Hills.

A growing number of websites deal with historical, engineering and esoteric aspects of and theories on Avebury's monuments and modern Pagan events.
If you would like your website or publication
mentioned om My Favourite Planet,
or have any information, comments or suggestions,
please get in contact.
United Kingdom flag

Swallowhead Springs, Wiltshire at My Favourite Planet


West Kennet Long Barrow, Wiltshire at My Favourite Planet

West Kennet
Long Barrow

Silbury Hill, Wiltshire at My Favourite Planet

Silbury Hill

West Kennet Avenue, Wiltshire at My Favourite Planet

West Kennet

Avebury Henge, Wiltshire at My Favourite Planet

Avebury Henge

Avebury village, Wiltshire at My Favourite Planet

Avebury village

Marlborough White Horse, Wiltshire at My Favourite Planet

White Horse

Swindon, Wiltshire at My Favourite Planet

Swindon sunset
Articles and photos: © David John, except where otherwise specified.

Many thanks to Mark Mallett, my host and guide in Wiltshire.

Some of the information and photos in this guide to Avebury
first appeared in 2005 on

All photos and articles are copyright protected.

Images and materials by other authors have been attributed where applicable.

Please do not use these photos or articles without permission.

If you are interested in using any of the photos for your website,
project or publication, please get in contact.

Higher resolution versions are available on request.

My Favourite Planet makes great efforts to provide comprehensive and accurate information
across this website. However, we can take no responsibility for inaccuracies or changes made
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