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Ephesus, Turkey |
Ephesus photo gallery 1 |
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Relief of winged Nike, the Greek goddess of Victory, on Kuretes Street, Ephesus. |
Nike relief
The marble relief of the Greek goddess of victory Nike (Νίκη, known to the Romans as Victoria), dated to the 1st - 2nd century AD, stands on the west side of Domitian Square, to the left of the top of Kuretes Street. It decorated one of the spandrels of the arch over the "Herakles Gate" on Kuretes Street (see gallery page 16), and is thought to have been matched by a mirror image Nike relief on the opposite spandrel. The relief is thought to have originally been from another monument and to have been built onto the gateway in the 4th century AD.
In her left hand the flying Nike holds out a laurel wreath to crown a victor in war or sport, and in her right hand she carries a palm branch.
The sculpture is naturally a big attraction here, and although it is wonderful to see an original more or less "in situ" at the archaeological site itself, it is surprising that it has been left out in the elements and not sheltered in the Ephesus Archaeological Museum with other artefacts.
See more photos and information about Nike:
the Nike page in the MFP People section
the Temple of Athena Nike on Athens Acropolis gallery page 11 |
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The photo of the relief of Nike at the top of the page was taken in 2004, since when she has been moved and given a lifting. Now, instead of
standing on the ground, she is supported by two marble bases. |
Photos, articles and map: © David John,
except where otherwise specified.
Additional photos: © Konstanze Gundudis
All photos and articles are copyright protected.
Images and materials by other authors have been attributed where applicable.
Please do not use these photos or articles without permission.
If you are interested in using any of the photos for your website, project or publication, please get in contact.
Higher resolution versions are available on request.
Some of the information and photos in this guide to Ephesus
originally appeared in 2004 on davidjohnberlin.de. |
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