Ephesus gallery |
Alphabetical index of gallery contents
* = outside Ephesus Archaeological Site |
Buildings and monuments
Aghia Maria (Church of the Virgin)
Agora, Lower (Commerial or Tetragonos Agora)
Agora, Upper (State Agora)
"Alytarch's Stoa", Kuretes Street
Androklos relief, "Temple of Hadrian"
Arcadian Way (Arkadiane, Harbour Street)
Basilica Stoa, Upper Agora
Bouleuterion / Odeion, Upper Agora
"Byzantine Plalace" *
"Clivus Sacer" (Sacred Way)
Domitian Fountain (Pollio Fountain)
Domitian Square
Entrance to archaeological site, lower
Entrance to archaeological site, upper
Ephesus Archaeological Museum, Selçuk, see Selçuk gallery 2
"Fountain", water tank of the Marnas Aqueduct
"gameboards", see gallery pages 5, 17 and Selçuk gallery 1, page 11
Gymnasium, East, Upper City *
Gymnasium, Upper, Upper Agora
"Hadrian's Gate"
Hellenistic Gate, Upper Agora
"Herakles Gate", Kuretes Street
Hermes reliefs, "Clivus Sacer"
"House of the Virgin Mary" *
Hydreion, Domitian Square
Hydrekdocheion (Water Palace), Upper Agora
Inscriptions Museum, Upper Agora
Kuretes Street (also referred to as the Embolos or Plateia)
Library of Celsus
"Luke's Grave", Upper City *
Magnesian Gate, Upper City *
Mazeus and Mithridates Gate, Lower Agora
Memmius Monument, Domitian Square
Museum for the Visually Impaired, Lower Agora
Nike relief, Domitian Square
Pollio Monument (Pollio Fountain), Domitian Square
Prytaneion, Upper Agora
"sarcophagus park", exhibition of sarcophagi, Arcadian Way
"Scholastikia Baths" or "Varius Baths", Kuretes Street
Seven Sleepers Cave *
Stadium *
"Temenos" (Sanctuary), Upper Agora
Temple of Artemis, see Selçuk gallery 1, pages 3-4
Temple of Domitian (Temple of the Sebastoi)
"Temple of Hadrian", Kuretes Street
Temple on the Upper Agora
Terrace Houses
Theatre (the Great Theatre)
"Tracheia" *
Trajan Fountain (Nymphaeum of Trajan), Kuretes Street
Upper City *
"Varius Baths" or "Scholastikia Baths", Kuretes Street
Vedius Gymnasium * |
People (historical and mythical)
Alexander a doctor from Ephesus
gallery pages 22, 23, 56, 62 and Selçuk gallery 1, page 4
Androklos, legendary founder of Ephesus
Antinous, favourite of Emperor Hadrian
Arcadius, Roman emperor
Artemis Ephesia, patron goddess of Ephesus, see gallery pages 11, 25 and Selçuk gallery 2, page 1
Aristion, Tiberius Claudius, see gallery pages 18, 30 and Selçuk gallery 2, page 4
Vedius (Publius Vedius Antoninus), see gallery page 61
Augustus, Roman emperor
Bassus, Gaius Laecanius, proconsul
Bellerephon and Pegasus
Celsus (Tiberius Iulius Celsus Polemaeanus)
Claudius, Roman emperor
Damianus, Titus Flavius (Damianus of Ephesus),
see gallery pages 2, 25, 61 and Selçuk gallery 1, page 4
Domitian, Roman emperor
Frontinus, P. Calvisius Ruso Julius, proconsul
Hadrian, Roman emperor
Herakles, see gallery pages 16, 22,
25 and 43
Innocens, Servaeus, proconsul
Justinian I, Byzantine emperor
Kaystros (Cayster), local river god
Kleo (Cleo), muse mosaic
Laterane, Iulia Lydia, wife of Tiberius Claudius Aristion, see gallery page 18 and Selçuk gallery 2, page 4
Mazeus and Mithridates, freed slaves
Lucius Verus, Roman emperor
Lysimachus, Macedonian king
Mary, Virgin, mother of Jesus Christ
Medusa, the Gorgon, see gallery pages 20, 21, 31
Memmius, Gaius
Montius, L. Caelius, proconsul
Nero, Roman emperor
Pollio, Gaius Sextilius
Stephanos, proconsul, see Selçuk gallery 2, page 8
Theodosius I, Byzantine emperor
Theodosius II, Byzantine emperor
Theodosius the Elder, father of Emperor Theodosius I
Trajan, Roman emperor
Varius, Publius Quintilius Valens, see "Temple of Hadrian", "Varius Baths"
Polmaeanus, Tiberius Julius Aquila (son of Celsus)
Polmaeanus, Tiberius Iulius Celsus (Celsus)
Phaedrina, Vedia, wife of Damianus of Ephesus,
see gallery pages 2, 61 and Selçuk gallery 1, page 4 |

A plan of the Cave of the Seven Sleepers, Ephesus by Fr. Miltner.
Source: Josef Keil, XII. Vorläufiger Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Ephesos, Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien, Band 23, 1926, Beiblatt, columns 247-300. At academia.edu. |
Photos, articles and map: © David John,
except where otherwise specified.
Additional photos: © Konstanze Gundudis
All photos and articles are copyright protected.
Images and materials by other authors have been attributed where applicable.
Please do not use these photos or articles without permission.
If you are interested in using any of the photos for your website, project or publication, please get in contact.
Higher resolution versions are available on request.
Some of the information and photos in this guide to Ephesus
originally appeared in 2004 on davidjohnberlin.de. |
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