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Ephesus, Turkey |
Ephesus photo gallery 1 |
38 of 62 |

Detail of the Latin inscription on the previous page. |
dat(um) III Idus Februar(ias) Co- nstantinupo(li), imp(er)a(toris) d(omini) n(ost)ri [Mauricii T] - iberi pe(r)pe(tui) Aug(usti) ann(o) II I
et post cons(ulatum) eius(dem) ann(o) I.
Inscription IEph 40.
The name of Emperor Mauricius has been deliberately scratched out. |
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Photos, articles and map: © David John,
except where otherwise specified.
Additional photos: © Konstanze Gundudis
All photos and articles are copyright protected.
Images and materials by other authors have been attributed where applicable.
Please do not use these photos or articles without permission.
If you are interested in using any of the photos for your website, project or publication, please get in contact.
Higher resolution versions are available on request.
Some of the information and photos in this guide to Ephesus
originally appeared in 2004 on davidjohnberlin.de. |
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