This large fragment of a marble pilaster has stood for decades on top of the wall at the corner of the square in front of the Library of Celsus and the Marble Street leading to the Great Theatre and the harbour. It was presumably placed there by archaeologists, but there is no label or indication of its significance.
There are inscriptions from the 6th century AD on both sides. One side (photo above and next page) in Greek, and on the other side in Greek and Latin (see gallery pages 37 and 38). The Greek inscription on this side is part of a set of an emperor's instructions for his provincial governors.
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αδ[․․c.7․․ χ]ρὴ τοίν̣υ̣ν̣ μ̣[ηδὲν]
ὑ[π]ε̣ναντίον ὑμᾶς τῶν νόμω[ν]
διαπράξασθ(αι), ἀλλὰ τοῖς μὲν δη-
μοσίοις ἀγρύπνως προσέχειν καὶ
τοῖς περὶ τὸ δημόσιον εὐγνωμονοῦ-
σιν πράως χρῆσθαι, τοὺς δὲ ἀγνω-
μονοῦντας εἰσπράττειν μετὰ τοῦ
προσήκοντος, μηδὲν ὑπὲρ τούτου
[κ]έρδος παντάπασιν ἀποφερομένους,
ὡ̣ς τοὺς ὑποτελεῖς πανταχόθεν
[ἀ]νεπερεάστους φυλάττεσθαι. χρὴ δ’
ὑ̣μᾶς οὐδὲν ἧττον καὶ τοῖς δικα-
ζ̣ομένοις ἅπασιν τὸ ἴσον ται κ(αὶ) δίκ(αι)ον
[φ]υλάττειν, σὺν τάχει δὲ τούτους ἀπαλ-
λ̣άττειν, βλέποντας πρὸς τοὺς
[ν]όμ̣ους, ὡς μὴ καὶ δαπάναις κ(αὶ) χρό-
[ν]ο̣ις μακροῖς αὐτοὺς ἐπιτρίβεσθαι, ἐπεξειέν(αι) δὲ
[κα]ὶ τοῖς ἁμαρτάνουσιν καὶ πρὸς τὸν νό-
[μον] ἐπάγειν αὐτοῖς τὰς τιμωρίας κ(αὶ) πᾶ-
[σα]ν δικ(αι)ωσύνην ἐπιδίκνυσθαι. τοὺς
[γὰ]ρ οὕτως ἄρχοντάς τε καὶ διαγινομένους
[ἀμ]ο̣ιβῶν ἀξιώσωμεν, τοὺς δὲ τὰ ἐναν-
[τία] πράττοντας κ(αὶ) δημεύσει κ(αὶ) ἐξωρίᾳ
[ἐμπερ]ι̣β[α]λ<οῦ>μεν, πολλάκις δὲ καὶ τῶ[ν]
[εἰς τὸ σῶμα βασάνω]ν τ[ε] κ(αὶ) τιμ[ω]ρι[ῶν —]
Inscription IEph 39.
See: Rudolf Heberdey (1864-1936), Vorläufiger Bericht über die Grabungen in Ephesus 1905/1906. In: Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien, Band 10, Beiblatt, pages 61-78. Alfred Hölder, Vienna, 1907. At Heidelberg University Digital Library. |