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Samos, Greece Samos gallery 23 of 55

The miraculous icon of the Madonna and infant Jesus in the cave below Panagia Spiliani Monastery, Pythagorio, Samos, Greece at My Favourite Planet

Icon of the Madonna and Jesus as a child in the cave below Panagia Spiliani Monastery, Pythagorio.

The cave below the Panagia Spiliani Monastery (see previous page) is a chamber, 36 metres wide and 8.5 metres high, sloping down 120 metres into the rock of the hill on which the monastery stands. 95 steps lead down from the bright sunlight to the gloomy chasm.

At the end of the cave is a tiny chapel, thought to be the site of pagan worship in ancient times, next to which is a pool , known as the Agiasma (Αγίασμα, Holy Water), whose water is considered to be holy.

The cave contains an icon of the Virgin Mary believed to have miraculous properties, and as with many other marvellous icons it has a legend attached to it: Strangers (some sources say they were from Patmos) stole the icon and sailed away with it, but it fell into the sea, broke into five pieces and drifted back to Samos. Locals then recovered the pieces from the sea, put them back together.

The famous icon is badly worn, difficult to see and impossible to photograph, especially since a large bowl used as a lamp is placed in front of it, and it is usually surrounded by crowds of people trying to make sense of it. I have not yet found a decent picture of this icon on the web, so it seems other people have had the same difficulty in capturing it photographically.

So, instead, here is a photo of another icon of the Virgin Mary, which is bit more visually interesting. The icon stands on a rock ledge on the left as you enter the cave. Unusually, it is painted on part of a log, the top of which has been cut at an angle, and has been placed on two large, flat, whitewashed stones, presumably to provide some protection from the damp and insects.

The Virgin Mary and Jesus in an icon in the cave of Panagia Spiliani Monastery, Pythagorio, Samos, Greece at My Favourite Planet

The Virgin Mary and Jesus in an icon in the cave of Panagia Spiliani Monastery.

The Virgin Mary (in Greek Παναγία, Panagia, all holy) is depicted as an attractive young woman with rosy cheeks, and Jesus, who is sitting in her lap and holding on to her right hand, as a handsome young child. The scene is tender, but without the agony, pathos or sentimentality of many other icons of this subject. Both figures gaze straight ahead with the expressions that could be interpreted as serious and thoughtful. They could be any mother and child if it were not for the golden halos around their heads, and the fact that Jesus is wearing a golden crown as a symbol of his status as "King of Kings".

The painting is worn and damaged in many places, but some areas, such as the faces and part of Mary's garment, appear relatively fresh and detailed. The colours are predominantly red, black, and flesh tones, with details highlighted with gold, some of which (over the folds of the clothing) is quite thick and not expertly applied, suggesting it may have been added later.

The style of the painting is distinctly western European (Roman Catholic?) rather than in the traditional Byzantine style usual to Orthodox icons (compare this painting to more traditional Greek icons on the next page, and in Agios Giorgos Tou Pigadiou Church, Kastellorizo, on Kastellorizo gallery pages 94-103), and the technique indicates it may have been made in the 19th or 20th century.
Photos, maps and articles: © David John 2003-2019,
except where otherwise specified.

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Some of the information and photos in this guide to Samos
originally appeared in 2003-2004 on

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See also
The Cheshire Cat Blog
photo essays and articles
about Greece:

Athens 1

Athens 2






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