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Kastellorizo, Greece Further reading: books & websites   page 8

the Blue Star Line ferry Diagoras in Kastellorizo harbour

The Blue Star Line ferry Diagoras in Kastellorizo harbour.
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Kastellorizo - Harbour/Limáni Walking Guide

"A leisurely walk around the harbour of Kastellorizo with spectacular views and meanderings through some of the island's mystical and enchanting laneways"

Published by the Australian Friends of Kastellorizo (AFK), 2009.

ISBN: 978-0-9805634-1-2

20 pages, paperback. With detailed map of Kastellorizo town and environs, and colour panoramic photo on the cover.

I obtained my copy from the tourist information booth in Kastellorizo, but according to the AFK werbsite it is currently (October 2013) available at:

• Michali Hatziyacomis's shop on the harbour waterfront

• The Megisti Hotel (see gallery pages 15, 16 and 71)

• Damien and Monika's shop, Caretta (see gallery page 119)

Price: 5 euros

This slim volume does exactly what it says on the can. The well thought-out and written guide leads the reader on a walk eastwards from the west end of Kastellorizo harbour, through the town and to places and sights beyond. The numbered stops along the way are marked in the foldout map on the centre pages. The style is clear and informative, with enough historical and geographical information to make it useful and interesting reading for visitors to the island.

It would be churlish to criticize this excellent book, but... the layout does mean that it is difficult to read the text about a particular place and see its corresponding place on the map at the same time. The only solution would be unstaple the map and remove it from the book. Desecration! we hear you cry. Ah well, it was only a suggestion.

Another suggestion would be to start your walk in the cool of the morning, especially as the museums and some churches close their doors at midday; this book does not mention opening times for these establishments.

The writer(s) and editor of the book are not named, but according to the AFK website it was "put together by Andrew Johnstone, reviewed by Nick Pappas (the author of, see below) and Nick Bogiatzis". Well done and thanks to them. A great companion book would be a brief history of Kastellorizo.

Front cover of the book Kastellorizo - Harbour, Limani Walking Guide

Kastellorizo Harbour
Walking Guide

Meghísti (Kastelórizo):
Ilha Grega entre três Continentes

Meghisti (Kastellorizo), Greek Island between three continents

by Déspina Spyrídes Boabaid

The richly illustrated book tells the history of this tiny Greek island, details its notable features, buildings and monuments, and includes accounts of the lives, customs and traditions of its inhabitants. It also deals with the various phases of Greek emigration to Brazil.

The author, a descendant of pioneering 19th century migrants from Kastellorizo to Brazil, is renowned for her distinguished career as a lawyer, teacher, professor, author of poetry and prose, and for her encouragement of the arts, culture and education.

Brazilian reviewers of her latest book have praised particularly the precision and beauty of the language in which it is written, and it has already been seen as a valuable addition to the literature concerning Kastellorizo as one of the last outposts of a Greek way of life which is rapidly disappearing.

Read an article about the book at The Cheshire Cat Blog:
Déspina's Meghísti

ISBN: 978-85-7474-674-6

Language: Portuguese

Format: 16 x 23 cm
Pages: 386
Weight: 850g
Year: 2013
Publisher: Insular Livros
Cover: Alexandre Oliveira

Enquiries about purchasing the book:


Front cover of the book Meghísti (Kastelórizo): Ilha Grega entre três Continentes by Déspina Spyrídes Boabaid

Meghísti (Kastelórizo):
Ilha Grega entre três Continentes
The official website of the municipality ( is no longer online.

A stylish and serious website by Nicholas Pappas of Sydney, Australia, with photos and articles on Kastellorizo's history, as well as a literature section and a forum (online registration required for the forum).

A Greek island family history website run by Allen Creswell of Perth, Western Australia, dealing with the genealogy of Kastellorizans (online registration required).

An attractive site published by the Australian Friends of Kastellorizo (AFK). Founded by former Kastellorizans who emigrated to Australia and their descendants, the Friends are engaged in a variety of activities to support the culture, education and environment of the island as well as to maintain ties between "Kassies" in Greece and abroad. The website contains information about the island and activities of Kassies in Australia. It also offers a free eNewsletter subscription.

Website of the Melbourne-based Kastellorizian Association of Victoria, Australia. An online cultural archive of the island's heritage which includes an online newsletter and sections on Kastellorizan history, customs and traditions, proverbs and sayings, recipes as well as literature.

Another internet project run by Allen Creswell, the Empire Patrol website is dedicated to a specific event in Kastellorizo's recent history: the sinking of the British ship Empire Patrol which was carrying 497 Kastellorizan refugees from Port Said to Kastellorizo on 29 September 1945, as a result of which 33 refugees and two crew members died. (English version) (German version)

Michael Lahanas describes his web project as a "Hellenic World encyclopaedia" dealing with "Greece and Cyprus, ancient, medieval and modern". It is an Aladdin's cave of images and information about the Greek world, and there is very little at present can come near it for breadth and depth of information.

Kastelllorizo in English:

Kastelllorizo in German:
Maps, photos and articles: © David John,
except where otherwise specified.

Additional photos: © Konstanze Gundudis

All photos and articles are copyright protected.

Images and materials by other authors
have been attributed where applicable.

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Higher resolution versions are available on request.

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See also
The Cheshire Cat Blog
photo essays and articles
about Greece:

Athens 1 (street life)

Athens 2 (Aristotle's Lyceum)






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Olive Garden Restaurant


+30 22460 49 109


Travel Agency


+30 22460 49 286

Vyzantino Greek Restaurant, Plaka, Athens, Greece
NEWGEN Travel Agency, Athens, Greece
Hotel Orestias Kastorias Thessaloniki, Greece - The heart of hospitality beats at the heart of the city
Hotel Liotopi, Olympiada, Halkidiki, Macedonia, Greece
Hotel Germany, Olympiada, Halkidiki, Macedonia, Greece
Hotel Okeanis, Kavala, Macedonia, Greece

George Alvanos

rooms in
Kavala's historic Panagia District

Anthemiou 35,
Kavala, Greece

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