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Stageira & Olympiada |
History of Stageira & Olympiada - Part 1 |
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The site of the ancient city of Stageira on the Liotopi pensinsula. See Ancient Stageira gallery page 4. |
History of Ancient Stageira - Part 1
Introduction |
The ancient city of Stageira (Greek, Στάγειρα; originally known as Στάγειρος, Stageiros; in Latin, Stagirus) is on the northeast coast of the northern Aegean peninsula of Halkidiki, and was founded in 655 BC by Ionian colonists from the Cycladic island of Andros (see the map of Greece) who also founded the nearby city of Akanthos (Greek, Ἄκανθος; Latin, Acanthus) in the same year. [1]
Stageira was famous as the birthplace of the philosopher Aristotle, but other than in this context it is hardly mentioned by ancient writers. A small city on the edge of what the Greeks considered the civilized world, it did not play a significant role in historical events.
Almost no written evidence by the Stageirites themselves has survived to tell us of their deeds or how they lived. Since 1990 archaeologists have been investigating the site of the city to learn about its past from the remains of its builldings and the artefacts they uncover.
The following history includes information about the wider history of Halkidiki, Macedonia and Greece to provide a context to events which affected Stageira. |
Contents |
As far as we know, this is the first attempt to publish the range of existing
historical and literary evidence about Stageira in one publication.
If you think we have made errors or omitted anything, please get in contact.
David John, May 2012. |
Ancient Stageira archaeological site
Open daily 8.30 am - 9 pm. Entrance free. |
PLEASE NOTE: Ancient Stageira at Olympiada should not be confused
with the modern village of Stageira, which is 25 kilometres further south
and has no historical connection with Aristotle.
See How to get to Stageira and Olympiada for further information. |
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Ancient Stageira - the booklet |
"Ancient Stageira the birthplace of Aristotle"
by Dr. Kostas Sismanidis |
Dr. Sismanidis led the first systematic archaeological excavations of Stageira, which began in 1990.
His illustrated 20-page booklet contains a brief history of Stageira and Olympiada and provides a useful guide to the main features of the archaeological site.
The booklet, which summarizes Dr. Sismanidis' book (see below), includes a plan of the site and photos
of finds which are in the Archaeological Museum of Polygyros.
Very little has been published about Ancient Stageira, so this excellent booklet remains the essential guide for the general visitor as well as those who wish to
gain a deeper understanding of the place. |
Available free in English, German and Greek
from Hotel Germany and Hotel Liotopi, Olympiada. |

Ancient Stageira - the book |
Ancient Stageira birthplace of Aristotle
by Konstantinos Sismanidis |
The 96 page book, clearly written and well illustrated, details the historical background of Stageira's development, its topography, remains and the archaeological finds. It also includes sections on Aristotle and the history of Olympiada. Excellent value at 9 euros.
Publisher: Archaeological Receipts Fund (TAP), Ministry of Culture, Panepistimiou 57, 105 64 Athens.
Publisher's website: www.tap.gr (Greek and English)
Publication date: 2003
Format: softback
Size: 17 x 0.6 x 27 cm
Pages: 96, with several colour photos and drawings, a plan of the site, a map of the area and bibliography
Price: € 9
Separate editions in English, Greek and German
English edition, translated by David Hardy: ISBN-10: 960-214-090-9, ISBN-13: 978-9602140901
Greek edition: Κωνσταντίνος Σισμανίδης, Αρχαία Στάγειρα: Η πατρίδα του Αριστοτέλη ISBN: 960-214-077-1
German edition: Konstantinos Sismanidis, Das antike Stagira: Heimat des Aristoteles ISBN: 960-214-091-7, ISBN: 978-960-214-091-8 |
The book is sold at some museum bookshops, but is not easy to find. Try sending a message via the contact page of the publisher's website. |
Stageira & Olympiada History part 1 |
Stageira Timeline |
655 BC |
Stageira founded on the North Hill of the Liotopi peninsula by colonists from Andros, with or later joined by settlers from Chalcis, Euboea.
Part 2 |
6th century BC |
Stageira mints its own coins.
A number of substantial buildings added, including a large Archaic temple.
Part 3 |
514 - 513 BC |
Megabazos, a general of Persian king Darius I, conquers Thrace.
Around 500 BC |
The city walls extended around the North Hill.
492 - 490 BC |
The first Persian invasion of Greece
Part 4 |
492 BC |
Mardonius, son-in-law of King Darius of Persia, reconquers Thrace and Halkidiki and subjugates Macedon.
His plan to attack Greece is thwarted when his fleet is destroyed by a storm off the Athos peninsula.
490 BC |
Darius' second attack on Greece is repulsed at the Battle of Marathon.
483 - 479 BC |
The second Persian invasion of Greece
483 BC |
The start of the building of Xerxes' canal across the isthmus between Halkidiki and the Athos peninsula, near Akanthos.
480 BC |
Xerxes I arrives in Halkidiki with part of his enormous invasion army, marching past Stageira on his way to Akanthos.
Local towns forced to feed and house Xerxes' army and provide troops and ships for his invasion of Greece.
The Persians are defeated by the Greeks at the naval Battle of Salamis near Athens.
479 BC |
Xerxes returns to Asia. Mardonius, in charge of the rest of the Persian army in central Greece is defeated at the Battle of Plataea.
Shortly after the last Persian forces are driven out of Thrace.
Around 477 BC |
Stageira becomes a member of the Delian League, an anti-Persian alliance headed by Athens, and is obliged to pay a regular tribute.
Part 5 |
Around 430 BC |
The Halkidikian city of Olynthos forms its own alliance, the "Chalcidian League", in defiance of the Delian League. Stageira may have become a member.
424 BC |
The Spartan general Brasidas persuades Stageira and other cities of Halkidiki to revolt against Athens and the Delian League.
422 BC |
The Athenian Cleon attacks the rebels in Halkidiki, and unsuccessfully besieges Stageira.
421 BC |
The Peace of Nikias between Athens, Sparta and their respective allies ensures the independence and neutrality of the cities of Halkidiki, but they must continue to pay the tribute to the Delian League.
393 / 382 BC |
The Chalcidian League signs treaties with Amyntas III of Macedon, but Olynthos occupies part of Macedon, including the capital Pella.
384 BC |
The philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) is born in Stageira (see Olympiada gallery page 5).
379 BC |
The Spartans attack Olynthos and dissolve the Chalcidian League after Acanthus and Apollonia complain that they and other cities are being forced to join.
The League reforms a year or two later.
348 BC |
Philip II of Macedon conquers Halkidiki. He destroys Olynthos and Stageira, sells the inhabitants into slavery and takes control of the gold and silver mines around Stageira, which are intensively exploited until around 300 BC.
Part 6 |
343 BC |
Aristotle appointed by Philip II to be the tutor to his son Alexander (later Alexander the Great). Either Philip or Alexander rebuilds Stageira and returns its inhabitants from slavery and exile.
Aristotle may have been involved in restoring Stageira and writing its laws.
The city may have been rebuilt inland from its original location.
316 BC |
According to legend, Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great is imprisoned in Stageira or on the island of Kapros by Cassander.
Around 300 BC |
It is thought that the mines around Stageira have been dug as far as the ground water level, beyond which it becomes impossible to excavate ore. The mines may have been abandoned at this time.
168 BC |
Macedonia conquered by Rome.
Part 7 |
Around 7 BC |
The Greek geographer Strabo reports that Stageira is deserted.
10th-11th centuries AD |
Middle Byzantine fortress built on the North Hill of Stageira, which by this time is known as Livasdias or Lipsada.
Mining in the Stageira area may have resumed during Byzantine times.
1430 AD |
Ottoman Turks conquer Halkidiki.
Gold and silver mining in the Stageira area continues through the Ottoman period.
17th-20th centuries |
Scholars, travellers and cartographers debate the location of Stageira, based on the accounts of ancient writers (see historical maps in Part 8).
1912 |
Macedonia gains independence from Ottoman Turkey and becomes part of the modern Greek state.
1923-1924 |
Greek refugees from Agia Kyriaki in Asia Minor settle in Olympiada.
1924 |
The village of Kazantzi Machala (Καζαντζή Μαχαλά), 25 km south of Olympiada, mistakenly renamed Stageira, although it is later proved that it is not the location of the ancient city.
1968 |
Following the chance find of an unfinished kouros statue in Liotopi bay, Dr. Fotios Petsas of Thessaloniki Archaeological Museum makes the first brief excavations at Ancient Stageira.
1990 |
Greek archaeologist Dr. Kostas Sismanidis leads the firt systematic investigations at Stageira. By now the site is confirmed as the location of the ancient city.
1990s - present |
Controversy over industrial mining around Olympiada and Stratonike.
1999 |
Dr. Kostas Sismanidis makes a brief investigation of the site of Stageira's ancient mines, 2 km west of Olympiada, and discovers remains of ancient settlements there (see Part 6).
2011 |
Following the Greek national reform of administrative regions, Stageira becomes part of the Halkidiki municipality of Aristotelis (formerly Stagira-Akanthos). (See facts & figures, page 10.)
Present |
Olympiada village has developed into a small low-key seaside resort.
Archaeological investigations continue at the site of Ancient Stageira.
Stageira & Olympiada History part 1 |
Notes, references and links |
1. 655 BC: Akanthos and Stageira founded
The remains of ancient Akanthos (or Acanthus; Greek, Ἄκανθος) are near the modern town of Ierissos (Greek, Ιερισσός), 25 km southeast of Olympiada. See map 4 on History part 8.
One of the main sources for the date of foundation is the Chronicle (Chronicon or Temporum liber, Book of Times) of Saint Jerome (Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus; Greek, Εὐσέβιος Σωφρόνιος Ἱερώνυμος; circa 347-420 AD), written 380 AD in Constantinople (Istanbul). This work was an edited and updated Latin translation of the Greek Chronicle by Eusebius of Caesarea.
See: Jerome, Chronicle (Eusebius'
Chronicle, Part II: Chronological Tables/Canons), pages 16-187, translated and edited by Roger Pearse and friends, Ipswich, UK, 2005. At tertullian.org.
Eusebius of Caesarea (Greek, Ευσέβιος ο Καισαρείας; also known as Eusebius Pamphili; circa 263-339 AD), Christian historian, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine (from about 313 AD). His Chronicle (Παντοδαπὴ Ἱστορία, Pantodape historia, Universal history), written in two parts in Greek, has been lost but is known from copied excerpts and translations in Latin (by Saint Jerome around 380 AD) and Armenian.
The second part, Chronological Canons (Greek, Χρονικοὶ Κανόνες, Chronikoi kanones), contained tables of parallel timelines of historical events (an innovation, though not the invention, of Eusebius), including a list of Olympic Games and winners (mainly in the stadion running race) from 776 BC to 217 AD.
See: Eusebius' Chronicle, translated from Classical Armenian by Robert Bedrosian, at rbedrosian.com.
The date of 655/4 BC concurs with the second year of the 31st Olympiad. However, some scholars, contending that Eusebius’ system of dating is based on a 40–year, rather than 30–year generation, have proposed that the colonies were founded around 635 BC. |
Photos, maps and articles: copyright © David John, except where otherwise specified.
Additional photos: copyright © Konstanze Gundudis
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Images and materials by other authors have been attributed where applicable.
Please do not use these photos or articles without permission.
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My Favourite Planet makes great efforts to provide comprehensive and accurate information across this website. However, we can take no responsibility for
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